Tantric Massage

With several years of experience as a masseuse in the most exclusive salons in Paris and Geneva, I have become an independent masseuse and I offer you a top-of-the-range experience in a calm, warm and discreet setting, my flat in the 17th arrondissement, Paris or in Berlin ask me for the address.

I offer you an unparalleled adventure of real relaxation and sensuality. A journey through my hands and my body to take care of every part of yours, right down to the most intimate places.

I interpret tantric massage as a sensual, erotic and sensory experience that raises and harmonises your energy, activating your libido by releasing serotonin and endorphin, the hormones of pleasure, to reach an incomparable climax and a powerful release of energy. Your pleasure is mine, and my aim is to reach the peak of your satisfaction.

My tantric massage is all about sharing; you can caress and massage me too, if you wish.

It's an enveloping massage using warm oils and body-body massage.

I do everything with my hands and there is no penetration in my services, no fellation or cunnilingus, and it is forbidden to touch my intimate parts.

Women and couples are welcome.

Lingam massage possible and four-hand massage available by appointment.


From 200 depending on how long the massage lasts.

*The shower before each massage is compulsory.

*I can travel for 1H30 or 2H with a supplement of 50€.

*Prices and conditions are non-negotiable.

© Copyright Déborah Dangerfield-Tous droits réservés.